II Congreso Mundial de Usuarios de CDS/ISIS

Fecha: 20-23 setiembre 2005

Web based publication of ‘Indian Agricultural Index’ using WINISIS/GENISIS: A model

  • University Librarian, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology  - India
  • Assistant Librarian, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology  - India
Indian Agricultural Index is bimonthly service brought out by University Library, G.B. Pant university of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar India, since 1978. This service is based on 350 Indian agricultural journals received by the University Library. This service is brought out in print, CD-ROM and on-line by using WINISIS/GENISIS software on Apache web server. In this paper an attempt has been made to discuss the model systematically the techniques adopted for designing, managing and retrieval of bibliographical database, recently abstract are hyper linked with this online bibliographical database. This publication on Web and CD-ROM has wide utility by the user. In India AGRIS input center ARIC (Agricultural Research Information Centre) is covering Indian agricultural journals for AGRIS database but Indian coverage is not comprehensive. The subscription of AGRIS database is even out of reach for small organizations in many developing countries. This technique for the development of online and CD-ROM based database service is very useful for small organization in developing countries that cannot afford international datab ases. Looking to the strong information retrieval and indexing techniques of WINISIS, the model can be implemented for the substitution of international indexing/ abstracting services in other disciplines like INSPEC, CABI, BIOSIS etc. Moreover the international indexing and abstracting services cover a small portion of literature produced by developing countries and hence researchers do not know even the literature produced by the scientist of their own country. This model in developing countries will start comprehensive services in economic manner for wider use of their own literature.