II Congreso Mundial de Usuarios de CDS/ISIS

Fecha: 20-23 setiembre 2005

Implementación de un repositorio de Tesis Digitales para la Universidad de La Sabana Hacia la interoperabilidad de colecciones


This report is based on the experiences obtained in developing and implementing a portal for the publication of monographs, thesis and dissertations written by students of the Universidad de La Sabana (http://biblioteca.unisabana.edu.co). This portal was created by means of the advanced use of a Thesis database developed in CDS/ISIS (BiblioSib, Winisis) in which information is extracted and automatically converted from the Library’s automated information system (CDS/ISIS, Documanager).

This base’s main characteristic resides in that its stru cture contemplates every standard of digital information handling (XML, DUBLÍN CORE, OPENURL, URN), as well as allowing the creation of a standard ETD (Electronic Thesis And Dissertations) model for Colombia (MDT-COL). Additionally this incorporates the development of an interoperability module between different collections and systems from monographs, thesis and dissertations, by means of the installation of the OAI-PMH Protocol (Open Archives Initiative - Metadata Harvesting Protocol) (http://biblioteca.unisabana.edu.co/tesis/oai.php).

During the execution of this project, all the rules and activities for the development of a standardized portal were followed, including main usability norms. It also contemplates automatic handling and access to complete documents texts according to the copyrights associated.