II Congreso Mundial de Usuarios de CDS/ISIS

Fecha: 20-23 setiembre 2005

A case study of cataloging software implementation: IFPA (ISIS FRBR Prototype Application)

  • Head Librarian, MLS, University of Trieste, Physics Department Library  - Italy
The aim of this presentation is to provide an overview of the IFPA software, an academic prototypal application based on the UNESCO CDS/ISIS retrieval software, which implements the entities and the relationships theorised in the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) conceptual model.
IFPA prototype, currently hosted by Physics Department Library, University of Trieste, has been designed and implemented by the author in order to investigate the flexibility of the CDS/ISIS environment applied to the FRBR context.
The presentation will focus on database structure as implemented in the prototype, relationship management in the ISIS underlying environment, application interfaces (WINISIS and WEB-GENISIS for searching and navigation, DOSISIS for editing), and a brief live demo.
The IFPA software will be shortly available for download as Open Source Software (GNU GPL, ver. 2) to anyone wishing to experiment this innovative cataloging approach.