II Congreso Mundial de Usuarios de CDS/ISIS

Fecha: 20-23 setiembre 2005

ISISPAMPA, A model of COM objects for CDS/ISIS database management

  • Information Technologies Director, Central Library of the National University of La Pampa  - Argentina
  • Computer Scientist, National University of La Pampa - Central Library  - Argentina

The present contribution to II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users, consists of a presentation of an Objects Model development COM ( & quot;Component object model & quot;) able to interact with CDS/ISIS databases without generating any alteration of neither the structure of data nor the data itself. & nbsp;The model generated called & quot;ISISPAMPA & quot;, encapsulate the functionality of ISIS32.DLL that provides UNESCO simplifying its utilization in both pages ASP ( & quot; Active Server Pages & quot;) as local applications. & nbsp;ISISPAMPA is implemented in the library ISISP32.DLL.

& nbsp;

ISISP32.DLL includes the objects APPLICATION and CONNECTION that models the opening, closing and unlocking of a database; SRCHIT, SRCHITSET and TRMPOSTINGSET utilized for searches; RECORD has functionality for operating on records (fields and subfields): read, add new, delete, change, relations between data bases, and export data in XML; ERROR reports errors produced at data tier and component tier that are stored in a log file. & nbsp;

ISISP32.DLL has permitted the development of other two objects models S CVB6.DLL and PRESTA.DLL. & nbsp;

SCVB6.DLL was thought for the development of querys (by Internet) of CDS/ISIS & nbsp;databases. & nbsp;It contains the objects CBOOLEANA and CDICCIONARIO that model querys by boolean expression and searches by terms in the dictionary that then will be utilized in the searches equations formation. & nbsp;

PRESTA.DLL designed for the development of a Documents Loans System in (by Internet). & nbsp;It includes th e objects PARAMETROS, USUARIOS, CIRCULACION, INSTITUCIONES. & nbsp;Modules that permit the automation of loans, renewals, refunds; emission of statistics, management of suspensions, reserves and claims. & nbsp;

ISISP32.DLL for CDS/ISIS functionality can be observed at the Universidad Nacional de La Pampa library site: & nbsp;http://www.biblioteca.unlpam.edu.ar and at Cámara de Diputados de la Provincia de La Pampa library site: & nbsp;http://www.lapampa.gov.ar/HCD/Default.htm