Annex 1. List of formats and tables

This annex contains detailed lists of CDS/ISIS formats (PFT files) and field validation tables (TAB files) that should be modified during creation of a new language version of the WebLIS system. Majority of these files contains English texts that should be translated and names of these files are distinguished in bold. Other files contain merely codes of the English language and these files should be modified only during creation of a multilingual version of the WebLIS system.

1. Files residing in the AUTH database directory

Data presentation formats

Format name   Format purpose
efcone.pft full format presenting conference names for data entry
efconx.pft called from the eb460 format
efcon.pft full format presenting conference names
efcor.pft full format presenting corporate bodies
efcore.pft full format presenting corporate bodies for data entry
efjou.pft full format presenting journal titles
efjoue.pft full format presenting journal titles for data entry
eprall.pft format presenting newly created or modified records
escone.pft short format presenting conference names for data entry
escore.pft short format presenting corporate bodies for data entry
esjoue.pft short format presenting journal titles for data entry

Browse formats

Format name   Format purpose
eb30o.pft browse format showing corporate bodies in analytic materials
eb31o.pft browse format showing corporate bodies in monographic materials
eb41e.pft browse format showing original journal names
eb41o.pft browse format showing translated journal names
eb460.pft browse format showing conference names
eb468e.pft browse format showing corporate bodies as conference organizers
eb768e.pft browse format showing corporate bodies in miscellaneous materials
ebcae.pft browse format showing main names of corporate bodies in authority records
ebcao.pft browse format showing other names of corporate bodies in authority records
ebcne.pft browse format showing conference names in authority records
ebste.pft browse format showing original journal names in authority records
ebsto.pft browse format showing translated journal names in authority records

Validation formats and tables

Format name   Format purpose
evcon.pft validation format for conference names validation table for conference names
evcor.pft validation format for corporate bodies validation table for corporate bodies
evjou.pft validation format for journal titles validation table for journal titles

2. Files residing in the ITEM database directory

Data presentation formats

Format name   Format purpose
ebitm.pft called from the ebitmt format used in the LIBCAT database
ebitmc.pft called from the email format used in the LIBCAT database
efitm.pft full format presenting items
efitme.pft full format presenting items for data entry
ephmon.pft header format for presenting search results
epitm.pft presentation of newly created or modified records
esctle.pft called from the esitme format used in the LIBCAT database
esitme.pft short format presenting items for data entry

Browse formats

Format name   Format purpose
b861.pft browse format showing bar codes of items
b866.pft browse format showing signatures of items
b869.pft browse format showing titles of items

Validation formats and tables

Format name   Format purpose
evitm.pft validation format validation table

Copy and delete formats

Format name   Format purpose
citm.pft format copying data from the catalogue record
editm.pft delete format

3. Files residing in the LIBCAT database directory

Data presentation formats

Format name   Format purpose
efall.pft full format presenting all materials
efalle.pft full format presenting all materials in edit mode
efmon.pft full format presenting monographic materials
elanae.pft format presenting related analytic records
elant.pft title format of related analytic records
emall.pft short format presenting all materials
ephab1.pft header format for presenting selected records in edit mode
ephae1.pft another header format for presenting selected records in edit mode
ephall.pft header format for presenting search results
ephav1.pft header format for presenting selected records
ephmon.pft another header format presenting search results
prall.pft format presenting newly created or modified records
esalle.pft short format presenting all materials in edit mode
esall.pft listing format presenting all materials
esitme.pft short format presenting catalogue items in loan module

Browse formats

Format name   Format purpose
eb18.pft browse format showing other standard identifiers in monographic materials
eb22.pft browse format showing call numbers
eb26.pft browse format showing ISBN numbers
eb330.pft browse format showing paper titles in analytic materials
eb340.pft browse format showing original titles in monographic materials
eb344.pft browse format showing translated titles in monographic materials
eb41as.pft browse format showing serial titles in analytic materials
eb52.pft browse format showing publication places in monographic materials
eb61.pft browse format showing related monographs in analytic materials
eb761.pft browse format showing titles in miscellaneous materials
ebitm.pft browse format showing accession numbers of item records

Validation formats and tables

Format name   Format purpose
evanam.pft validation format for analytic materials from monographs validation table for analytic materials from monographs
evanas.pft validation format for analytic materials from serials validation table for analytic materials from serials
evmis.pft validation format for miscellaneous materials validation table for miscellaneous materials
evmon.pft validation format for monographic materials validation table for monographic materials
evser.pft validation format for serials validation table for serials

4. Files residing in the LOAN database directory

Data presentation formats

Format name   Format purpose
ebitm.pft called from the ebbart format used in the LIBCAT database
ebitmc.pft called from the ebitmct format used in the ITEM database and from the emall format used in the LIBCAT database
eeover.pft * overdue notice to be sent as e-mail from the LOAN program
efall.pft full format presenting all transactions
efitm.pft called from the efitm format used in the ITEM database
emhld.pft ** hold notice to be sent as e-mail directly from the loan module
emovr.pft ** overdue notice to be sent as e-mail directly from the loan module
epall.pft format presenting newly created or modified records
ephmon.pft header format presenting search results
erconf.pft called from the epall format
erover.pft * overdue notice in the RTF format to be sent from the LOAN program
esloae.pft short format presenting all transactions in edit mode
espate.pft called from the espate format used in the PATRON database
esxxxe.pft called from the formats esloae and espate
*) Format name cannot be changed.
**) Format contains among others IP address of the e-mail server.

Validation formats and tables

Format name   Format purpose
evall.pft validation format validation table
evinf.pft validation format for hold transactions validation table for hold transactions
evloh.pft validation format for loan transactions validation table for hold transactions validation table for loan renewal transactions

Insert, update and delete formats

Format name   Format purpose
edall.pft delete format for all transactions
edloa.pft delete format used when loan is removed rather then returned
iall.pft insert format for all transactions
uinf.pft update format for hold transactions
uloh.pft update format for loan transactions
uovr.pft update format for overdue notices
uren.pft update format for loan renewals
uret.pft update format for loan returns

5. Files residing in the PATRON database directory

Data presentation formats

Format name   Format purpose
efpat.pft full format presenting patrons
efpate.pft full format presenting patrons in edit mode
efprv.pft full format presenting privilege classes
ephmon.pft header format presenting search results
eppat.pft format presenting newly created or modified patron records
epprv.pft format presenting newly created or modified privilege class records
esmate.pft short format presenting material types in edit mode
espate.pft short format presenting patrons in edit mode
esprve.pft short format presenting privilege classes in edit mode

Browse formats

Format name   Format purpose
b100.pft browse format showing bar codes of patrons
b114.pft browse format showing names of individual patrons
b120.pft browse format showing names of corporate patrons
b130.pft browse format showing staff index numbers of patrons
b192.pft browse format showing names of pseudo-patrons
b210.pft browse format showing privilege classes
b872.pft browse format showing bar codes of patrons who lost some items
ebpat.pft browse format showing bar codes of patrons in loan/hold transactions

Validation formats and tables

Format name   Format purpose
evcor.pft validation format for corporate patrons
evmat.pft validation format for material types validation table for material types
evpat.pft validation format for individual patrons validation table for individual patrons
evprv.pft validation format for privilege classes validation table for privilege classes
evpse.pft validation format for pseudo-patrons

Delete formats

Format name   Format purpose
edpat.pft delete format for patrons

6. Files residing in the THES database directory

Data presentation formats

Format name   Format purpose
ea1.pft called from the er1 format
ehs1.pft called from the formats ea1, ek1 and er1001
ek1.pft short format presenting thesaurus entries
er1.pft full format presenting thesaurus entries
er1001.pft called from the formats ea1, ek1 and er1

7. Files residing in the VALID database directory

Data presentation formats

Format name   Format purpose
eblae.pft short format presenting languages in edit mode
efall.pft full format presenting records
efalle.pft full format presenting records in edit mode
ephae1.pft header format presenting selected records
ephav1.pft another header format presenting selected records
eprall.pft format presenting newly created or modified records
esalle.pft short format presenting countries and regions in edit mode

Browse formats

Format name   Format purpose
eb194.pft browse format showing country and region names in French
eb294.pft browse format showing country and region names in Spanish
eb690.pft browse format showing region codes of countries
eb94.pft browse format showing country and region names in English
eb96.pft browse format showing region codes
eb97.pft browse format showing country codes

Validation formats and tables

Format name   Format purpose
evcry.pft validation format for countries validation table for countries
evlng.pft validation format for languages validation table for languages
evreg.pft validation format for regions
> validation table for regions