II Congreso Mundial de Usuarios de CDS/ISIS

Fecha: 20-23 setiembre 2005

La situación de cds/isis en España

  • Titulado Superior Especializado, Centro de Información y Documentación Científica (CINDOC) / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)  - España
  • Técnico en Informática Documental, Radio Televisión Española  - España
We present the actual situation of program distribution in Spain, insisting on the tipology of users, their geographical situation, the informatics skills of their specialists, etc. based on the spanish users database analysis, designed for this kind of studies. We suggest the adoption of a standarized model of users database, managed by the different National Distributors, for allowing to extend this kind of studies to worldwide users, as an appropiate tool for decision making on a future evolution of ISIS family programs.

Finally, we comment some products developed by Spanish users based on CDS/ISIS programs. In special:

-   CD-ROM of Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC): an Entomological bibliography of Spanish authors.
- Comisión Científica del Pacífico. CSIC Project. It describes the entreprise of Scientific Commission for Pacific. There's a website set up (http://www.pacifico.csic.es) with all documentation.
- Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Manes Project (School Manuals). The MANES Investigation Center has it's main objective the investigation on school manuals produced in Spain and Latin America during 19th and 20th centuries. (URL: http://www.uned.es/manesvirtual/portalmanes.html)
- Ministry of Public Works' Documentation Center Library.

Last, they're also other ISIS uses described wich illustrate other possible ISIS applications, as RTVE's Intranet: bulletin board, internal link search, people search, user management, RTVE Official Institute courses subscription management, RNE sonorous archive playlist, and some databases like commercial catalogue, internal rules, legal consultancy, etc.