II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users

Date: September 20th-23rd 2005

Posters Session

01 hour(s)


  • Posters must present results of either applications or practical developments that perform or update a procedure or service. There will be more freedom on their subject than in presentations.

  • There is no limit to the number of posters. More than one poster submission is allowed. The same idea can be sent as a master, or brief presentation, or poster, but, if accepted, the Committee will only select one of them. Only one presentation (master or brief) can be accepted, yet the Committee can accept more than one poster.

  • The main auth or must send the poster, and pre-register it in the Congress before sending the presentation. The pre-registration fee does not need to be paid. Posters selected for presentation and included in the programme will have their own agenda for presentations in the posters session. The authors will have to be present during all their presentation.

  • Printed post ers must be mounted during the afternoon previous to the presentation and taken down on Friday afternoon.

  • After the selection, the author will be asked to send his presentation to the CDS/ISIS-W2 web site.
