II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users

Date: September 20th-23rd 2005

Project of Extension BINUTE - San Juan Network: Collective Catalogue of Popular Libraries of San Juan


The popular libraries of San Juan, are in a stage that we denominated of & quot;catalogue automatization & quot;. The added economic factor to the shortage of enabled human resources does that very few of more than 50 libraries of this type in the province can plan the process of automatization like a high-priority task.

The processes of & quot;catalogue generation & quot;, demand time to the professionals. Due to this, many information centers have chosen & quot;to unload cataloguing & quot; made by other libraries (national, and/or international). Soon these registries are completed/modified locally obtaining in many cases an important reduction of time and cost of cataloguing.

The collective catalogue conformation is another tool that nowadays is of ample use in the Web. These catalogues summarize the heaps of several libraries and present/display to the user of a consultation the physical location of the looked for work.

SIGEBI (System of Management Librarian), based on platform CDS/ISIS distributed by UNESCO, is the result of the transference of software conducted from the Institute of Computer science of the National University of San Juan towards the Protective National Commission of Biblotecas Populares, dependent organism of the Secretariat of Culture of the Nation. This software is the one tha t is applying the libraries of the province for the catalogue automatization.

Our project raises like objective to contribute, by means of the study and application of new technologies, to the improvement and maintenance of the computer science systems of the popular libraries of San Juan, extending the SIGEBI capacities to allow to the & quot;capture of registries & quot; (cataloguing by copy) via Z39.50 and/or Iso2709 unloading from Web sites. Also we propose the conformation of a Collective Catalogue that & quot;centralizes the existing work consultation & quot; in the libraries of the province.