II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users

Date: September 20th-23rd 2005

Teaching support system with ISIS data bases


Having verified by means of statistical studies the efficiency of the test of the “multiple choice” type , and the time that it demands to teacher his preparation, we intends an integral system for aid to teaching, the Assistant for the Generation of Exam’s (A.G.E) is an interactive tool to generate examinations.

AGE is totally parametrizable, developed in Visual Basic and IsisDll. It has a friendly interface and guided for the Load of Data in CDS/Isis data bases, it is of easy handling so the teacher can organize the contents of its matter of efficient and ordered way. Also it counts on a module to modify the stored information.

The program includes an assistant to load data in Data Bases of the Matter, it will contain all the necessary information for the generation of the test. The Professor should have clear certain rules that it follows this software to be able to generate the test correctly:

·        The matter is organized in Units that are identified by numbers.

·        To each Unit, they will be added relative questions to the topics tried in her.

·        Each Question will have only one Correct Answer.

·        Finally  to each questions can be added several Incorrect Options.

It is necessary that the educational one organizes its matter so that the data can be properly process by the Assistant and thus to give the awaited optimal results.