II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users

Date: September 20th-23rd 2005

WebLis adaptation to the area of architecture

  • Responsable Informático - Area Sistemas de Información Documental, Centro de Documentación e Información - Ministerio de Economía y Producción - Argentina  - Argentina

The Argentine Ministry of Economy and Production Research and Documentation Centre of Public Architecture (CEDIAP) holds graphical documental archives related to architectural and engineering public works. This Centre results from the application of an innovative graphical document processing project, which adds up the systematization of informatics and digital processing to the excellent quality of original documents.


This systematization of informatics was done in a software based on Visual Basic and Ms Access 2.0. The system was developed on three main tables and over fifteen validation tables. The main tables are:

- Public Works: it contains the description of over 7731 records on buildings, monuments, bridges, etc.

- Blueprints: it contains the description of over 78236 records of blueprints related to Public Works table.

- Photographs: it contains over 40103 records with the description of photographs related to the Public Works table.

The complexity of this database and the amount of records cause a malfunction when entrying and quering data. Because if this, a new interface for data entry and query based on the WebLis software was developed, and the migration of MS access 2.0 records to CDS/ISIS was done using the BIREME cisis tools and the WinIsis of UNESCO. This project consisted of three stages: Migration, CDS/ISIS databases development, CDS/ISIS databases implementation with WebLis.