II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users

Date: September 20th-23rd 2005

Digital Library of the Cuban Higher Education: 100% CDS/ISIS


The CDS/ISIS is used at the Universities of the Higher Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba (HMEcu) about the middle of ´80. The most of librarians knows the CDS/ISIS tools and the total of the catalogs are published in intranets. The Digital Library of Higher Education is a national project whit the aim of supports the research and the education. There is a privet network between all universities and there is a strong intranet conformed to the sites of the 16 universities and five research centers of HMEcu. The full texts of 40 titles of magazines of the HMEcu and all of monographer were published there and it is hoped to count more than 100 titles of the other Cubans institutions. Tools 100% CDS-ISIS was used, fundamentally the WWWISIS-PL (WebLIS and WebAGRIS), Win ISIS, ISISASCII, SKW, among others. The full texts of more than 4,000 articles are available in

http://revistas.mes.e du.cu/. There is a possibility of download the bibliographic registers in a format than can upload to commercial bibliographic managers. The objective is to promote the construction of Personal Digital Libraries (PDL) in order to create a common tool for the scientific papers authors. The PDL is created for collaboration and we hope that will help to increase the number, the visibility and the impact of the Cuban science. In the other hand we promote the thematic digital libraries too. The first of these are de Digital Library of Agriculture in Cuba made with the collaboration of the Library of Cuban Representation of the FAO (http://revistas.mes.edu.cu/bdacu.portal/).