II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users

Date: September 20th-23rd 2005

Virtual and digital cooperative centers of information. Sistematizing of strategies that have like purpose the autogestion


This project looks TO promote the creation of a laboratory with equipment and suitable personnel to obtain the continuity of the tasks made, within the framework of a previous project, finaciado by the C.I.U.N.T Advice of Investigators of the National University of Tucumán - Argentina, to carry out a PILOT experience, of continuous and remote qualification, for the personnel of the libraries cooperators of the project, with the yearning to make it extensive to all the Information centers that wish to adhere. The group of work is integrated by professors, students and personnel of three libraries of the National University of Tucumán.

Within the framework of the project they analyze, they desi gn and they implement, practical solutions and computer science applications with the purpose of facilitating the task of the librarians. The modules of gratuitous distribution that were developed:


  • OPAC in Wxis

  • Module of Discharges, Losses and Modifications in data bases (Wxis).

  • Bibliographical Reservations system by Internet in Wxis.

  • System of loans librarians developed in Wxis.

  • Reservations system bibliographical in Visual BASIC using IsisDll.

In the stage of analysis, were detected weaknesses that are a constant in the set of the libraries of the UNT. The nonexistence of a, university career in library, in the province, hinders the task of the technical personnel of the libraries. Each faculty has a center of computer science that administers its internal network, but it is very difficult to make biblioinformáticos developments since Isis UNESCO software  and the BIREME-PAHO-WHO family of  software do not know