II World Congress of CDS/ISIS Users

Date: September 20th-23rd 2005

Quality assurance in databases, using Winisis

  • Responsable de la reinformatización de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Buenos Aires  - Argentina

A Quality assurance system is proposed for the bibliographic records of Winisis databases. The system uses display formats and FST formats to analyse the bibliographic registries. It offers the operator its conclusions and the necessary instructions for the correction of the found errors. The system is based on the definition of concrete formal rules that allow to determine the validity of a record. The rules depend on the characteristics of the bibliographic format chosen by the institution, the cataloguing rules and the authority catalogues employed.

The proposed system allows to re vise the already existing catalographic databases, with the purpose of adapting its quality to the desired parameters. But its great utility is observed in the new created registries. These will always be at the highest established quality level, because the system warns the operator about any deviation respect to the desired norm.

This methodology of work has been adopted by the author in several Argentine institutions, with several bibliographic formats. Some of them are: Academia Nacional de la Historia (CEPAL format), Centro de Documentación de Estadísticas de Salud (CEPAL-LILACS format), Bibliote ca Agustiniana «San Alonso de Orozco» (MARC 21 format), Biblioteca de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (BIBUN format).